Logo signature de Bréval Le Floch

Scratch Underflow

January 11, 2022




The Tutoring Project - Collective Engagement for Mutual Learning 🧑‍🎓👩‍🎓

Introduction: A collaborative project conducted alongside our courses


Hello everyone! I'm thrilled to introduce this tutoring project, developed voluntarily with several classmates and friends.

What is Tutoring?

  • Learning system: Peer support without teacher intervention
  • Goal: To facilitate understanding and the curiosity to learn

How It Works

  • Platform: WebApp
  • Usage: If you're struggling with a topic, or simply want to learn more, request a lesson on the WebApp
  • Participation: Individuals proficient in the subject can create a course at a time and date convenient for everyone

Development and Collaboration

  • Initiative: Based on an existing concept from 2019, developed to go further
  • Open Source Code: To allow users to understand how the site operates
  • Collaborators: Created in collaboration with Mathis Gauthier and Andy Cinquin
  • Technologies: Angular for the front-end, Python Flask for the back-end
  • Features: Token management, authentication, emails, email validations, etc.


This is a noble and interesting initiative that will hopefully save many people by encouraging learning and mutual support.

Other team's members for this project :
